Back to the Future; Who is...

 A story of 

'Bladerunner 2049'

and Arrival and Morgan and Transcendence and Frosty and Star Wars and also a Top Gun and hope not a Signal movie


- 'You're the Queen of the May, crowned in leaves, and blossom, and thorns. You're hope and beauty and truth. A symbol of growth in the dark times that are upon us... You're impossible.' -

 "Maybe there is a girl that we knew from Bladerunner 2049 movie. She is her who do a research about a nature systems in artificial environment in Bladerunner 2049. And she is also pretty humanistic being. 

 In Bladerunner 2049 are a predictions for a post-apocalyptic world or that. I don’t know how there was about a climate change, because I don’t know about climate change reality, but a reality of Bladerunner 2049 there could be because a predictions.

 In my opinion it’s difficult to say what means the story, but a reality there could exist. 

 I don’t know who is the Maverick in the Bladerunner story, but maybe there is the Maverick in reality.

 We know about a stories and movies about saving world and about a significant people who work for it, so maybe this is an)other story about saving or a progres. And maybe there is another actor in Bladerunner 2049 that we don’t know.

 I think a Mavericks are there among an autumn clouds because the story. They want know a truth about what want know about an infinity, telepathic feeling or sugesce for a better world. 

  A man could want a good for all, and when the man searched for a goodness for all, the man found a something from a “web of universe”. 

 I don’t know if this is a truth, but probably because the man searched for What is a good for all living existence, a man could get a meeting with an aliens. Maybe explaining for a meeting with the aliens is that the aliens do a collaborations with some human because a feeling or a knowledge of the human. Or maybe someone searched for an answers about all existence and this man got an answers by a beings from a world that a human don’t know. 

 Or maybe the aliens have only a fear that a non-ethical people will kill them, and that do a collaboration with some humans because the humans don't want any suffering for another beings, human and non-human beings, or only because a humans are in a care about a world; Arrival movie (2016) could says something about that someone could be do with a aliens. And this movie can also speak about a language; how significant is a Universe language for a power over space or for a communication with a person or with a Universe non-being or who there existed?

 Although I don’t know what is a truth, I think she from Bladerunner 2049 maybe exist. I want for she existence where she can do explorations for all senses that she feels or she see. I believe or I hope in a reality. Me is maybe on an end because some people know about and me cannot get information's now than a disinformation's for a maybe saving of a no my truth. But I have information's still. In 2024 I know for a Universe no matter who watch a thoughts because there was a 2023 experiences that not before and everything work as someone thought in 2014. And this also because a person who visited another person on Autumn 2021 but this another person didn’t know who and didn’t know why and when this another person found why probably and a truth who, a reality work for a new informations about how work a reality.

 In an opinion, a human life exists in a physical reality yet because our mind is maybe small for understanding of universe itself and for understand all truth about a space itself. I think maybe this is a situation as when a man could know about a thinking of every human in a just one second. It's totally an unreal for a mind of humans to human could know about a reality. But maybe everything is based on sugesce especially. Maybe a physical world itself can be to create with suggestion especially. A one though can change everything.

 Maybe there could be a reality right now when a doe have a reality now and a man can be in a reality and a doe says there to you how is there with your, it's a indigenous knowledge itself probably, because I read about a shamans who could communicate with a worlds, is there a animistic world?, the doe in a reality is only a doe like are a humans in their reality, and there could be a beings in a reality, that we know a doe cannot be in a our reality. The doe know that must be there in a virtual, and a man could know now that a man exists in a reality that the man cannot take any reality as an aliens have. That the aliens only could helping some humans or do a world with them, but a humans are at another different reality and they cannot visit a reality because their minds itself. In Central Europe, we could take a care about wild doe as an about a dog, but at a wilderness, a life for them without a parasites. We could even hunting them for a population regulations and selling a healthy wild meat to stores, restaurant, etc., and their fur due a human care could be pretty beautiful for a selling too, the same other pieces of their bodies could be for a selling. A sustainable economical system, where is economical a healthy and free business by a population regulations. There are different reality that could be, I think. And when we didn't that now, will do that in a transhumanist reality? In a way, the aliens do something for a humans in a human reality and they don’t need a human meat. With a does there could be a fond where something from selling doe bodies can be using for a care for other wild does. A doe don't know about a reality or a doe cannot visit the reality because a doe now is an less like a humans but a man can do better world for everyone, an better as a wild predators. In a way, a human hunting is an better than a wild predators because a human take a life in a just one second and a doe can be without a injury reality. 

But an animistic world not exist, I think. There can be possible who communicate with a humans by a wild things it’s a Univers(al) consciousness. Thing we called a Nature, this Nature using wild things for a communication with a people because Nature take non-recursive speech. Nature don’t know a human recursive language or this non-gender being can’t speak by a human language and because that, Nature use a nature things for a communication with a people. 

 Someone people have feelings somedays their reality is a planned or organized with they don't know how it's possible. Probably this can be the truth. As a nature system there can be someone who have these skills for a changes at human reality. Or the aliens itself can be who manipulated with a human reality because skills of the aliens take power over a human physical spaces. 

I think something by Russian movie called Morozko (Frosty 1964) is a truth. In the movie Nastya asked nature if could be there a sunrise delay because she could facing abusive behavior by a stepmother. In reality, something work the same way. Nastya is a good person and she facing an abusive behavior and because she is a good person who facing abusive behavior Nature work for she.

 Probably no one is responsible for a behavior of another’s or for she or he is today a doe yet and he or she is a human yet; As an aliens and a people. 

 When there are the questions about dinosaurs extinct I have a feelings that possible could be there as the shadow of a dinosaurs extinct that could be there in a shadow something we called a Nature. I can speculated if this is a truth, but a Nature maybe wanted more intelligent life on Earth and because that there was mass extinctions of dinosaurs. This take sense. But this is a speculations because I don't know. In a way a nature looks as an experimental project and for all times we can see there are the tryings for a more and more intelligent life. People could be against nature or universe way when they could want to be less intelligent. Everything go to be more intelligent life and maybe also expansive specie. Maybe Nature wants save nature and because that Nature tryings for an intelligent beings who can save World when will be there time for saving World. Nature is not a physical being as is human, I think. Nature is maybe especially a consciousness in a space who can saving or who can changing only something by anarchy that work in a nature systems. For example, is impossible for a one being take a power over all tornadoes… It's a truth human can be powerful more than is Nature itself because a human could take power over all in a future. Probably the aliens know more about how work a space itself. Question is what there will be during times when humans around you will want shutdown aliens or Nature because now is there war also for non-sense reasons. I don't want to say that could be there times of a specie traitors when there will be this question about Nature existence and the alien existence. It's possible the Nature or the aliens make connections with some people about them they think they don't want kill them when they found them. This question there must be about could be there in a future. Many people likes Star Wars episodes for example. Maybe this is a hope for a aliens itself, because in Star Wars is many entities and they make connections against Death Star itself. But the Death Star could be someone by a human. Take the question about why there exist a collaborations. 

 I think, there are a people who take a danger take actions in a horizon as Morgan (2016) in a same way named movie because in their minds is a world that someone's don't understand. In my opinion, these people can expecting nothing as a good feedback from them itself that the people saved. Maybe a doe know about a situations of her existence, and probably she don't understand that someone's want take off their life for a her life. As in a situation when you look on a doe and you know that you need killing the doe for a your survival. You're not a responsible for a hierarchy of a life in the world. And cannot be change now and that for all times when you need that all for a your nice life; probably You can help do better this but You can’t help stop this right now. Maybe when we will be an endless ‘aliens’, after that, we will be independent on a spaces and a worlds will work for another's. Be the independent is an edge of existence in Universe, I think. 

 And maybe something there is about a way that someone's could be an endless too? Or I don't know what there Will the Reason for a human endless.  

Maybe a truth is, they will want for a humans nothing more than their current reality, because a humans want no a their truth. Maybe they could take down everything for a humans because a human way could be as not their way; because probably they take the power over a humans? and they can take a power over a spaces.

 Maybe a human is 'atomic' being still, because speculated about 'atoms' now. But I know nothing, not more than there are a realities where exist the Aliens and a consciousness with a wild thing speech. 

 There could be a World War III, an)other virus released, ... for example, when after that, humans could take a life’s in a world of a Bladerunner 2049. 

 Maybe is a truth that will exist a girl that she explored an artificial world because in a lands will be destroyed almost everything and a humanism could be also away. 

 I don’t know who will be the Maverick in the story of a real Bladerunner 2049, or who there is the person in a shadow who says that she could do a exploration about a web for a time she will want do that. 

 Maybe even she could be lost now too, because a people, in a view probably not a bad people, they want know a truth as she want to know and because she already visited and contacted the person. But not The Signal (2014) movie, I think.

 Maybe the story is a nonsense because I don’t know so exactly all from the truth. 

 And I think a “sentinel” being don’t must be environmentalist or that wannabe ethical being for be the she from Bladerunner 2049, because environmentalism now is a hoax that because a knowledge we need more wild brutality in the world, for example; Everyone in a wilderness want the best for a own healthy, That saving is not a saving. 

 For a peaceful prairie We need especially a forests and domesticated and wild gardens and especially good civilization that probably already existing somewhere but someone found nothing still as it. Or a humans can be in a life as the aliens exist? The aliens probably life their life for all their existence without a things that a human needs or human wants. Someone doesn’t want to speak about an alien existence because the someone could doubt about a human approaches to an existence. But the someone have a doubts because a meeting. But a truth is also the someone know nothing about their evolution and only speculate about things that the someone see as a secret because is impossible to know whole the truth right now. This is as a noninvasive narcosis by a thoughts when they know a man could be in impossible mind who is there around and because the someone’s want to a man know they are there for a reason; A order where is a four hands Queen with a skills that are impossible for a two hands Alfred’s. Maybe she is the Queen of a May crowned in a leaves because no one can to see her there in a space. 

 In an option, someone wants to this reality could be to see; There is not any explaining for this piece. Probably a predictions had also a connection with a reality about a 2012 space changes. Someone see this year as a liminal point for a doubts about a physical reality. Now there exist a thoughts for free in a space and everyone can see it when someone will want. I think this reality is something that no one human wants because no one want be in this intimacy with a reality. A people still want an isolation of their minds. Or want a world as an aliens or a dreamcatcher, No more lies only a clarity.

 And still someone speak there was time during January 2021 when during end of the pandemic there - in Central Europe - was forced also a big stores as the big supermarket stores to a shutdown their business. Before there was time when we know as a capitalism business work, 'Selling are honey moneys.' This time there was before attack on Ukraine and after that failed a pandemic. It’s interesting when there was a pandemic and during the end of the pandemic there existed a tryings for shutdown little or pretty your business in the country as a less for many for a war. And during 2018 the biggest Western Europe electronic music festivals as a Central Europe roll has been on an edge of their visitor's; There not was been times before by visitors for these festivals as a less during the tomorrowland. The same an economy was again on an edge before there was a shutdown. I think an opinion of a Wall and a Mavericks is the similarly. They also something spoke about a doubts about a chemical change, physical change.’

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